Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Smallworld Underground

Small World Underground is a game in which you try to win by controlling territory to earn points.  It is like risk in that you control territories on a map, attack adjacent territories, and get some benefit from controlling territories.  But it only has one die, and you rarely even roll it.  It plays much faster, and is a much better game.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome to the blog

This blog is going to be a joint effort between me and at least one other member of our gaming group.  Maybe we'll all write stuff, who knows.  We'll write game reviews, play reports, about variants we make up and play and whatever else we feel like.  We'll cover board game, table top rpgs, pc games, console games and even some mobile games if we feel like it.  We aren't going to try to cover every new game, we're just going to talk about the ones we are actually playing.  At this pint we're just figuring what we are even doing.  Expect a review of Smallworld Underground sometime soon.