Monday, January 30, 2012

Steam Mobile


Steam has finally gotten around to releasing a mobile app, and I tried it out on my iPhone.  It does about what you would expect, you can log in and see who is online, and what they are playing.  You can chat with people.  It doesn't seem to send any push notifications to the phone, so you have to manually check for responses.  Also it seems like it doesn't send the chat to the phone if you are online on a computer. 

It uses the same sort of UI as the iPhone facebook app to let you get to other features.  You can shop through the catalog and buy stuff directly from the app.  Or at least you can add it to the shopping cart, I didn't actually buy Cave Story, thought maybe I should.

At first I thought the app was badly designed, because the first time I logged in it didn't show which people were in game on my friends list.  I don't know how it happened, but since then it has worked fine. Here you can see that Xenon is shown in blue (not in game) on the friends list, but when I look at his profile I can see that he is in game.

1 comment:

  1. Well if you mean "mobile games" as in just playing games from your phone on your steam list, that is highly impractical. The phones don't have enough computing power to process any of anything really XD. But if you mean, say, world of goo mobile, and it was ported for a phone? I could see that happening.

